Thursday, February 11, 2010

"A glass of whisky in Scotland in the thirties cost less than a cup of tea."

This show was all about the wee country of Scotland (wee geographically, not in heart, or... other areas, according to rumour.) It turns out they've mostly perfected strongly emotional rock and roll with an underlying melody catchy enough to keep you from getting too sad.

  1. Broken Records - Thoughts On A Picture (In A Paper, January 2009) (Until the Earth Begins to Part)
  2. De Rosa - Flight Recorder (Prevention)
  3. The Twilight Sad - Made to Disappear (Forget the Night Ahead)
  4. Arab Strap - Dream Sequence (The Last Romance)
  5. My Latest Novel - Pretty in a Panic (Wolves)
  6. Frightened Rabbit - The Modern Leper (The Midnight Organ Fight)
  7. Copy Haho - This Retro Decade (Bred For Skills & Magic)
  8. Belle and Sebastien - Dog on Wheels (Push Barman to Open Old Wounds)
  9. We Were Promised Jetpacks - Roll Up Your Sleeves (These Four Walls)
  10. The Shop Assistants - All That Ever Mattered (Will Anything Happen)
  11. The Vaselines - Rory Rides Me Raw (Enter the Vaselines)
  12. Teenage Fanclub - What You Do To Me (Bandwagonesque)
This week's homework was to go listen to some Mogwai. Here's the trip-tacular track "The Sun Smells Too Loud" from their latest album"The Hawk is Howling" to get you started (or restarted). I, for one, have been away from these guys for far too long. (Unnecessary note: the people in the video are not Mogwai.)

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